Friday, February 27, 2009
Star'n at my rearview I seem dim shades of blue.. blue shades of yu.. I cnt understand the feeling she gives its so brand new..I wonder culd this really be .. something great in the making like timbucktoo.. or something that has me decived by the way her sway back and forth or how her lips look full of moist drop and everytime we kiss I feel winterfresh .. damn my mind is hazy cus wen we lay we LAY.. and wen she drops down she really prays. And I think ... think I do.. she takes me to places in the silo-wet of her ... and I am her fien ..she feeds me daily...=].
thinkin about seduction
Thinkin about seduction thinkn about those legsWen we meet. I hopeshe smeel like spring.. cleann.. like a gentle breezee.. and wen I tatse. I hope she drips raindrops... as I reaxh for her soul...and wen I reach I will listen to the beats as I play drums on her body .. take noteswrite sonnets and plays to the way she goes.. and wen she lays in peace I hope I be that vision she sees... iwana be.. like she has never fein'd ..and fien.d she shall on levels .. she has never felt... spreaded like I spread butter over bread ..she flows so smooth ..her body is like amelody that cnt be found.. I listen calls..wet dreams of penatration in her. Underwater paradise I explore .I find hidden treasure idnt knoe exsited. She.. is ..we is .. in a moment ..
Thursday, February 26, 2009
vision blury
My vision blurrs I whipe lust from my eyes and see true love.. love never felt ... by hands however felt on level only few comprehnd .. I see a face I see a name ..more and more I gain a clear image of thee .. I speak out as to rach out my words be come my hands I cerst her with every thought I breath.. she feels me .. deep her mind races back to times ... life becomes still she enters uncharted fantasies that only her heart knows. I kiss her with soft spoken phrases my heart sings sweet melodies to her. I love her .. more beyond I'm suppose to the gates I have climbed the lines I have crossed.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
I miss yu like soft breezes and calm waves , like. City lights at night in the middle of July.. a ghost.. that my heart stills feels .. a connect for am I juss linger'n was it a tease.. I swear her words feel like how she most taste.. sweet like peaches .. cream'd up ..saten like chanel sheets.. I swear the touch from her to he most be a dream .. I feinn. I feinn. I.. sense a familar feeling one that has escaped me soo long , the one thing I would run from is the one thing I yearn to have, crazy it seem that I could feel that 4 letters.. me? Feel the l o v e? Could this be ...? Awake me from clouds of 9 and bring me back to my soul-est departure across the earths surface...on a chase for happiness in things that become vague. Things the cloud my depiction of life or the real meaning of... leave me be with material things the chase of green colored paper and the self-full-fill-ment of success and things of the flesh...because if .. would or could 4 letter world then.. then.. I might be human and have a heart and that would mean.... I could once again be..
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
I will run from love until I can't run no more and when I can't run anymore I will hide and wen love seeps through the cracks to find me I will I will. I will fight I will not let it hinder me helplessly
Self-ish.. And yu dnt see it...yu want help.. Buh yu dnt heed it.. Wah am I to do? Comfort...? But yu dnt accept it, yet yu cry out for acceptance for love for friendship.. Yu cry out for allthe things yu lack buh wen they come yu runnn ..yu runnn to hide in yur sorrow and die in self pity the shameee the shameee ..awake I tellyu ... awake
Self-ish.. And yu dnt see it...yu want help.. Buh yu dnt heed it.. Wah am I to do? Comfort...? But yu dnt accept it, yet yu cry out for acceptance for love for friendship.. Yu cry out for allthe things yu lack buh wen they come yu runnn ..yu runnn to hide in yur sorrow and die in self pity the shameee the shameee ..awake I tellyu ... awake
Monday, February 16, 2009
picture me
Picture me as a drug.. And the dosage yu takes may fein yu.. The urge grows .. Now her hearts says"I need yu" withdrawals carry her seldomly, sickening she f e e l s, I glance and notice the depletion of her strong aroma. I become the ER and fill her with liquid thoughts. I travel through her veins ..she physical form. I drop a tear .. It fallss gentle down my check I wipe. It .. I look closer she starts to fade. I say the depiction of yur heart is I.. she looked in me. In me.. I pause. She starts to stare my eyes fill with fulid they startto flood .. She says yu are the depiction of my hearts desire nd if so then that means we were ment like a prophecy and I and yu can be compared to destiny .. My hand reaches for her face I touch her softly .. She lays back in my arms. And uses her hands freely to crest my biceps.. I tell her if my wings could ..I would.. Fly yu to the heavens and give yu wah yu deserve ..she replies no need yu take me there on a regular.. She goes to say yur presences is up lifting and uplifting is rarity. And I am at yur will... will yu .. I stop her. And say yes. She smiles. We connect a vibe..nuff said.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
S I N is wah she feeds me . Sublte bites from the apple I take... more and more she becomes the seducer to my eyes.. I like .. See im strong so I dnt budge physically. I keep my cool buh in my mind I wonder delicouos thoughts I crave... .. Tatse of bitter sweet na.. Juss sweet.. Sweet as mango maybe pinaple ..mayb a combination of both.. Sin is my addiction.. Buh if I continue to feed will it be my fall.. Wah if I give in to the temptation could sin handle the thrust of me. The being of thee cus I be more than its use to never suducted such a strong force ..I wonder
my closet is clean
Pain runs deep... ahhh the agony I hold withinMy being still tries to patch gashes yu left. Gashes yu left deep. One stab took me.. My mountain crumbled.. In the midst of my sanctuary where no one is present I ... I admit to myself I still love yu.. And I hate that love found me when I met yu.. No I don't want yu back to much has conspired down our story .. Life happen.
U-turns consumed us .. I pray death does not meet ether of us b4 peace is made. I had life intwine wit yu too l o n g. And secrets told that wasn't said off lips to any buh wrote down from me to yu and yu to I .. Opened a flood gate of honesty and gave the best I had to offer at the time and yu were a die to We made all. Did all.
Now we erased ourstory from the pages of life buh not our soul 7 months have past and still yu are thought of in good light and best wishes..wish friends we could be. Buh the hatred yu posses won't let be. Strangers made life.. Life destroyed..rebuild withothers I caution cus of the time ilost with yu..I admit it had a effect onhow itreat the ones I borrow form time to time now.. Buh all I have is postive vibes. I let go thru this and now my closet is clean. I love yu and best wishes in life.
U-turns consumed us .. I pray death does not meet ether of us b4 peace is made. I had life intwine wit yu too l o n g. And secrets told that wasn't said off lips to any buh wrote down from me to yu and yu to I .. Opened a flood gate of honesty and gave the best I had to offer at the time and yu were a die to We made all. Did all.
Now we erased ourstory from the pages of life buh not our soul 7 months have past and still yu are thought of in good light and best wishes..wish friends we could be. Buh the hatred yu posses won't let be. Strangers made life.. Life destroyed..rebuild withothers I caution cus of the time ilost with yu..I admit it had a effect onhow itreat the ones I borrow form time to time now.. Buh all I have is postive vibes. I let go thru this and now my closet is clean. I love yu and best wishes in life.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
such a bore
She says don't let go. Rain pours over her face concealing tears she say, I have no sympathy, tears of wah I say..of self pleasing fulfillment.. Of hunger pains maybe.. I feel no pity I care less and less. The agony of .. Or the pursuit of the unobtainable.. She longs for the things that consume her.. Is it honest and true ? I have no opinion I take not her words as truth. Juss simple poems with no heart no meaning she says feed me.
She says tell me sumthin.. Use me to I have no more to give?.. Or is it sum meaning to wah she is craving could love me? Realy . Love me.. She says I long for this and that wen itell her all the time. Say the word. Does she ? Nope. . I know nothing of her .
I kno not her thoughts her feelings her life. Nothing all ikno is her poetry. Nothing more I have nothing writing in my journal I give her my soul she give me empty words.. Funny. It doesn't bother me I juss care less and less lose hope and more hope.. She is dying to me.
Can she revive my cares. My concerns .. I do love her honestly I do buh I can love from a distance if I must one moment I feel as she.. Top im on then top im off same way with her hunger one min she needs next min she full. Does she want to kno I or my art.. I put forth effort to paint a painting . For her. Is she interested in th painting or the the artist I find it hard to see .. My vision is blurred. I love her with a real love. I love her with a real love.
Im embedded to her and my promises still stand. ..buh I wonder is she deeper than wah I see cus I see empty shell.
I see mask hiding wah matters not willing to deal wit afraid o f attachment. She gives juss few soul rising words I barely see life... I barely seee much .. I love yu sweetheart I do
She says tell me sumthin.. Use me to I have no more to give?.. Or is it sum meaning to wah she is craving could love me? Realy . Love me.. She says I long for this and that wen itell her all the time. Say the word. Does she ? Nope. . I know nothing of her .
I kno not her thoughts her feelings her life. Nothing all ikno is her poetry. Nothing more I have nothing writing in my journal I give her my soul she give me empty words.. Funny. It doesn't bother me I juss care less and less lose hope and more hope.. She is dying to me.
Can she revive my cares. My concerns .. I do love her honestly I do buh I can love from a distance if I must one moment I feel as she.. Top im on then top im off same way with her hunger one min she needs next min she full. Does she want to kno I or my art.. I put forth effort to paint a painting . For her. Is she interested in th painting or the the artist I find it hard to see .. My vision is blurred. I love her with a real love. I love her with a real love.
Im embedded to her and my promises still stand. ..buh I wonder is she deeper than wah I see cus I see empty shell.
I see mask hiding wah matters not willing to deal wit afraid o f attachment. She gives juss few soul rising words I barely see life... I barely seee much .. I love yu sweetheart I do
To feed you
"To feed yu" is what yu want thereforeyu have been fead"
enjoy yur morning, noon, and night
Love for yu? Yes yu? yes ...questions? Many .. Answers? Few .
Simple kiss on the forehead, Is the inequlity and yu are the y-ntercept and I be the slope..the quadrant is unknown my love. .. Ahh the angony of peacee. The simple rush of tranquility.. I love enuff said.. Enuff said... my love
enjoy yur morning, noon, and night
Love for yu? Yes yu? yes ...questions? Many .. Answers? Few .
Simple kiss on the forehead, Is the inequlity and yu are the y-ntercept and I be the slope..the quadrant is unknown my love. .. Ahh the angony of peacee. The simple rush of tranquility.. I love enuff said.. Enuff said... my love
Friday, February 6, 2009
say the word
Say the word.. I say .. Please say the word..juss say the word. And I .. Will be. I will bath her in my touch .. I will Ceres her with my wings and wen she has had her fill I will fly her to new heights mentally and physically.. . S t o p.. I wait until she fixes her lips to release me from my cage only her can make or break the situation .. She's my Friend and I love her and I will always be there for wah e v e r she needs .. Juss say the w o r I can become we and my love can be let free from its cage buh yu see its bittersweet because she knows this and she is the o n e keeping the cage around him as to seee and to believe as to doubt the outcomes and realities that might occur if he is set freee.. I can smell her fear that he could ..we could r e a l l y be. Buh see this time she won't loose me. She won't loose me because I will engrave my name on her heart ethier way so until the end of time the song of her heart will play..speaking subtle words and cries that only the language of her should can grasp..that deep empty whole that yu try to fix.and feel wit pleasure and wants.yeah that's for me. And me is I and I is we and we is all... I say my world I will keep her world I will seek and explore. And keep watch... her world I visit as a guest till that undefined moment rests...and we rest ..she will rest in my arms and tell me everything that has ever escaped her or hurt her or made her and I will pay close attention because to me she matters she is real and I will be wah she needs me to be.. A Friend. a lover . A buddy a pal a big brother(figuratively) lol. .
Im free fallin dnt stop me. Let me be.. Let me be!! Can yu feel thee naa because im so far gone j a m e e l is deceased . I am not what yu thought I would be. The evil o poses is my stress. The good I do is my agony.. Who I be. Doesn't matter human ..maybe a lil more than yur average .. Buh came from the same place yu came juss loss my wings. So I took them by force and got then tatted on my back the pain I feel goes deep see my wings are my sanity .. If only they could fly me sumwhere to a place where greens are blue and reds are green and l I f e is the things ii want it to be buh for now I am in a b o x.. A box that I am trapped. Trapped I am .. Trapped I am ... and this box is my m I n d .. To be continued. As to reach the sun..
Thursday, February 5, 2009
My mind is torn too much I say.. Too much is going on S T O P .. Let me breath .. Buh I can't my mind roams like a man wondering the wilderness. Sometimes it bring me agony.. It takes me places I don't wanna go and other times its sweeter than a fresh fruits pick from a harvest..why is my greatest treasure also my biggest night mare.. Fuck it im done.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
She reminds me of sunny days and 90s music . Wen life was ease and all I would worry about was the simple things.. Fun. Yeah she's kinda like that.. Real smooth almost to smooth for comfort.. Yea she badd to, real badd ..wen she looks at me wow I loose thought . I mean it should be illegal how her eyes can penetrate my heart.. Sumtimes I think about cuff'n her maken her due time in my world.. Introduce her to la bonne vie ... and set sail on a never ending j o u r ney and discover us along the way =] man my friend .. She's sumthin like a jewel.. Or more like the Aryans belt.. Yu figure it out
Goodbye my friend
Bittersweet is what yu gave.. wah yu made me believe its possible.. Heights of mind sight yu took me to.. Which I followed was wow.. I never met anyone like me and wen I did she had to flee.. Which is cool for the time being if I must let yu go then I will because wen yu care yu let go.. I give yu my wings that I wrapped yu with like a child in the busom of its mother breast I let yu rest I nurtured yu with words and as yu fed. I watch how beautiful yur soul is my friend .and as I let yu go I kno its the right thing to..and do right I must.. Even though yu made me feel like john legend's quickly and brought out poetry from my soul I must let yu go and go yu shall. Goodbye my friend. Yu are set free. And on the cold mornings and nights.. I hope a thought of me. Will keep yu warm..and find rest. Goodbye friend.
Dedicated to Samara Cunningham
Dedicated to Samara Cunningham
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