even in spirit understand i will always be there for you as i am now, you are my friend my sister, words cant describe how much you mean to me honeslty . but you have to jouney off and spread your wings.. do what God has called you to do, i am always a phone call away and you know where i reside, please keep a place for me in your heart , tonighht was very hard for me and i know as well as for you but know i will not stop being your family , your are apart of me forever, i will never forget you , please and i do mean please dont for get me, i write this with tears coming down ones cheek,
you and only you knows where my heart resides and the details it has, do not faulter from the truth ok you know it keep it near you.
when ever you feel lonely or with out care read this and remain on track towards your goals and understand who really is there for you . i love you kayla , your one of the closet ppl to me, and i am to yu, you wont loose me you are embeded in me
read your bible every day for me and continue to open your heart to him
remember my warning of things to come as well stay grounded in yur faith