Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
The promises i never got to keep
The promises i never got to keep, although i wanted to.. they have escaped me. Hard pressed and sincere but still ...
Friday, November 20, 2009
beauty w/o a face
Beauty is beneficial in life, contrary to our perception one holds dear to them, physical attributes... issues do arise .. beauty with out a faces i would love to meet unmatched beauty by all means.. sadly to say i have yet to meet you, because i am blinded by the vain aroma in the air..which depicts the beauty i lust for .. one day i will mature..hopefully and see beauty at its purist which will be from within.. until then i will wait.. beauty without a face
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Thursday, October 1, 2009
1:24 am
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
10:04 am- sept.29th
"You will NEVER find someone that WONT hurt you. So find someone WORTH the PAIN!!"
Sunday, September 27, 2009
5:54am -sep27th
Saturday, September 26, 2009
just a thought- 3:42 am Sep 26
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Black Bird
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
in so many words
Sunday, September 13, 2009
sunsets fade quiclky
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Friday, September 11, 2009
i have you
my night/morning
Thursday, September 10, 2009
window pane
From a distance in my room Rain drops. Form and. f a l l.. hit my window pane.. dot..dot dot.. drip.. drip.. drip.. the rain hits my window pane.. palm trees .. bring forth rustling sounds..lighting strikes.. i walk to the window press my index finger to glass and proceed to write S H O T U A R I I A N.. place a period at the end with a heart.. look toward my right shoulder and give it a look filled with endearment and press my lips towards my skin.. turn back to the window and stare..eyes glare.. i whisper in the air.. i miss you..contemplating in my mind, can you hear me. Can you configure that distance means nothing..and i haven't forgot or lost any...real is what this is...striving is a given, worrying is obsolete. Time passes by.. let the clock burn.. patiently waiting.... they say dreams do come true. And good things can last forever.. So our dreams will to.. i love you Ms.O'Brien..
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Not llike Crazy
her touch manifest
Contemplating suicide..
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Friday, September 4, 2009
intoxic ated confession
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
shed so many tears
Im feeling lost.. no smiles on no cheers .. just sad filled faces and depression..
. sinned beyond redemption..
My soul deleted. Label me greedy .. and corrupt .. you the world has made me this way..
all i want and pressure is what fancies me.. which are things of nothingness
Fuck the world i feel curse..God if yu could please take me away from the pain... and pressure
Show me happiness on earth... Before i reach the place where water doesn't exist and torment last forever... damn where did i fell...
Im lost and weary.. so many tears .. im feeling suicidal.. no courage to take from myself the misery i am embedded in.. maybe cus of my creeping conscience ..
lonely seems to be the best option as i fade into the background.. lord knows i been a witness to many things.. .. my mind paint pictures but all of them are clouded.. as i drink wine ..to reach forgetfull-ness 1:43am the clock turns..
the place i reside is my mind. which i cant escape.. my own captivity.. far from any civilization.. alone i rest and alone i will awake...
feeling as if no longer will i exsit..and i wanna leave my mark onthe earths floor.
Will i survie till tomorro.. death seems so close.. so sweet .. do i invite or ... push away ..the dilemma this life for me?
what of it..
soon i will return to my essacne the dirt which i came.. tired of being surrounded by promise makers who tend to do which humans do.. forgetfulness they say..smh... no ones worth thier weight and gold therfore theirs tend to hit cement and brake like dinner plates more often than standing firm
my cry for help no one hears .. it so subtle so sweet im calling so it seems i wlli be saving saving my self again? .. tired of it..
i have been sucked dry.. becoming everyone strength feeling depleted holding it all in and taking on everyone elses..
believing in fairy tales i admit..i fancy them but more and more the feeling of becoming one seems slimm..so use to words failing to the ground how long will they hold.. hopefully eternity .. but if not..
Don't worry about me lonely is what im use too solo is how i wonder the earth .. mayb true love and happiness is ment for a chosen few mayb i been thro too much to be apart of that secret society or mayb i am like the orphan annne.. the sun will come out tomorrow....one hopes....
the ones i love remember i will love you forever.. my heart is darken all over except tthe places yu all reside.. no names yu know who yu are.. but for now forget me live freely ...
and i fadee to nothingness.. helplessly.. alone.. tormented by the demons i left undelt with .. bye bye
sweet nothings part 2
Come here boo let whisper in yur ear sumthin that might seduce you.. yeah the lies I tell might coem true yu feel it ?…well then I feel it to ... yeah that's it let yur guard down boo.. now let me ease closer to , wow who knew .. how open I got chu.. got me shocked too. Mvoin from square one now we at square two... almost there babe let me paint for you.. the meaning of lust with a hint of true love .. oops yu cant have one with out other ? So not true... for the moment ill be for boyfriend number two.. or any number yu presume..yeah yu loo lovely does that too.. I bet it does .. now I stare deep yu feel something .. don't make a peep.. just believe I'm the one dor this night could that be cool? Yeah for the night its me and yu.. love me .. if yu want .. now my reach up yur summer dress this ant cool.. I feel your temperature rise now moister dilutes you .. I think I made it to square three.. there is no more you..now we are intertwined just me and you which equals two notice I said two because there is no us
, just me on top of you
Monday, August 31, 2009
i cherish you ...
freestyles to missions on the hot L.A streets
but most of all our intellect convos ..
my best friend/nephew/son watching you grow .. amazing
and although im gone, take the wisdom i gave you and put it into steps to reacgh your goals .. although im not there to water your leaves .. understand you must learn to water your own.. me leaving was to make you stringer not conform you. become the man i know you are ...
and then end i will return to you.. to see how you have been... hopefully i don't see any brown on your leaves and i see vibrancy..im expecting the most..
I awake
Melting outside my window. although i am in the mits of Auguest, Everything i feel for you is fresh like spring time.
All is happening to me these days..
oh I, I had my suspicions.
I'm in love with you;
It feels like i heaven in a bottle
but WAIT..
let me Fill my pockets up with joy and happines for you
Then we can trail the roads we call life..
Carried all we could..
The world keeps a balance, through mathematics
Defined by whatever we have added and subtracted...
no tutor needed just brand new experiences =]
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Im not your expectations
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Free as the breeze crossing field.. free to the definiton of my mind. What are we composed of ? Morality distant.
Where do i go to find substance? Peace of mind, is it possible to achieve ? If one knows the answer please gudie me to tha passage way ..
Feeling like the only escape of the worlds insanity is death.
Am i really the last of my kind? Is this why people tend to say more often then occasions that i am nothing they have met before?
But this being said it is hard to find my place.. i feel like an outsider is there anyone that can relate?
I see attributes in some but there hidden, no names revelaved she sits up when haveing problems and incloses herself to her thoughts in the dark alone in the living room
little does she know is ican relate i am the same way but the diff is she would never utter to tell some of these secrets. Her behaviors.
First time i met sum1 close to similar .. ok subject corrected tangent finished.. lol
Opinions not express .feelings hidden.. sum1 show me relief i haven been beatin from the world for my unwillingnes to conform i need sum peace.
. i am at the point of giving.. the good morals starts to fade im reaching they are slipping..
Breath of fresh air come my way because i am suffcting from holdin.. toxics in my way clear a pathway ..
Any opinons feel free to express. These are my thought i share to you .. share back
the theorems you deliver
Friday, August 28, 2009
thinking to myself..
My Angel
i pled with you.. my hearts desires are not pure considering i am in sin , but on the contrary , although i am as human as possible my love for you is like nothing that can be comprehended.. my shields fall i lay bare un-purposely.. as i stand before you completely vulnerable my look deepens..my eyes glare.. i have reached a new Plato if you will materialism is in my past i am more concerned with the things of priceless value.. things that cant be held but can be felt , things that can be remembered and passed on.. more of life experiences than vanity.. to experience life with you..
a journey..together... . .journey with me... my angel understand i am restricted by skin therefore have ways unfitting, but my intension's are well meaning...
"A special world for you and me A special bond one cannot see It wraps us up in its cocoon And holds us fiercely in its womb Its fingers spread like fine spun gold Gently nestling us to the fold Like silken thread it holds us fast Bonds like this are meant to last. And though at times a thread may break A new one forms in its wake To bind us closer and keep us strong In a special world, where we belong.." understanding this statement will be a riddle that will plague you..
i LOVE you unconditonally.. my angel .. my heart..
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always preserves.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
sweet nothings
Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Ebony.. the color of beauty bronze complextion melts into a world of collsion..DNA traces me here.. I see earth.. I see mother.. I see nature at its finest.. loving our ancesrty.. teaching the turth..timbuk tu .. the devine rope vine we carry in our blood..embrace it.. the melon of the begeining.. we were the first.. trace it... all branches of mankind came from WE rather you are a dark satfire color or a soft lemon mirange .. we are beautiful..black is beautiful.. love one another...
tattoo'd lips

tattoo'd lips speak enchanted verbs..so sweet, the moist subtle caress embedded to my flesh. figurative-ly .i conger up fantasies, the wants and needs i crave are strongly inching me.. i hear whispers in the distance.. a constant reminder to my flesh, tattoo'd lips, the often victim of my affection.. red outlined gently for fullness and shape.. pink for ripeness and white for a quiteblush.. my tattoo'd lips. . .as i took my heart off my sleeve and placed it in ones bosom a tear became thee.. i wiped it gent-ly .. she presses my shoulder with her lips, a kiss, a imprint of forever-ness, meaning-FULL
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
as i sit in the corridors of my mind..
i change lanes on a regular i sway back and forth with ideas..the insanity to others is sanity to me.. as i sit out in the humidity i see mirages of what could be and live out my life enclosed in my mind i take journeys in every-field i go down every-path and then snap back to where i am in my life, which is now. not to say i havent lived because in my mind i have , now the idea is to turn ones (pause) beautiful faces pass me by one after another overwhelming the the soft tissue of my body , funny the urges that come forth.. but yet i react not, but confident becomes me .. self pleasing ... only thing is the face in the crowd i would like to see is no where present . my high falls , confident weakens and i began to wonder how life is in the past for her..or is it the present .. because i live in the future ..
i tend to calculate and manipulate my steps to bring me closer to my depiction of what i want life to be and how i feel it should be ran.. how naive of me because the more i try to control the more i see how my hands are tied and how things are out of my will. All i can do is what i have been doing making the choices .. the weight is heavy .. the ground does not give ..i wish i had someone to help lift this load of depression which ways me down the wolrd sends me obstacles i wish they would cease the only way to be completely at peace is to commit and act unforgivable which i am not willing to do . so i must hold strong ..
with all this being said i will continue to smile. so i say "cheeese "
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009
stay strong
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Martina Topley-Bird ... one word dream-y
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
God loves ugly
Friday, August 7, 2009
sunshine at its finest
Delicate breezes..
lienen shorts..
comfy slippers...
Clear wash..
A tattooed angel has found his paradise.
Sun rays embrace ones melon creating dark toned fragments where softer shades were .. tan
Peace, tranquility
Clear skies
Reflections from the sun bounce of bodies of water to create a blue effect in the sky..
astounded i am.
Welcome to my little slice of paradise..
Sunshine at its finest =]
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Take note ,
Words exchanged vibe for a 4finger plus thumb count.
Time not wasted
Good conversation, wide range variety..
I must say what a pleasure
Something i most def dont want to loose.
going to bed with a smile on ones face .
Monday, August 3, 2009
like minds do they exsit
Free as the breeze crossing field.. free to the definiton of my mind. What are we composed of ? Morality distant.
Where do i go to find substance? Peace of mind, is it possible to achieve ? If one knows the answer please gudie me to tha passage way ..
Feeling like the only escape of the worlds insanity is death.
Am i really the last of my kind? Is this why people tend to say more often then occasions that i am nothing they have met before?
But this being said it is hard to find my place.. i feel like an outsider is there anyone that can relate?
I see attributes in some but there hidden, no names revelaved she sits up when haveing problems and incloses herself to her thoughts in the dark alone in the living room
little does she know is ican relate i am the same way but the diff is she would never utter to tell some of these secrets. Her behaviors.
First time i met sum1 close to similar .. ok subject corrected tangent finished.. lol
Opinions not express .feelings hidden.. sum1 show me relief i haven been beatin from the world for my unwillingnes to conform i need sum peace.
. i am at the point of giving.. the good morals starts to fade im reaching they are slipping..
Breath of fresh air come my way because i am suffcting from holdin.. toxics in my way clear a pathway ..
Any opinons feel free to express. These are my thought i share to you .. share back
Saturday, August 1, 2009
My mind entrances dipictions of us, memories once felt, past bliss
Be.. exsit .. you are..
Wonderful abide in your piquancy, let loose the you within, give the world a star as lustrous as the milkyway on a calm night.
The depths of you i want to pilgrimage.
Learning the wonders that beseech you, monotone. Herd from me once before , just hoping this recolection is within clarity.
humanly as possible
No hesitation attempted, i reply..
I am he.. she knows..
My eyes speak ot her.. she is trancefixed..
Words exchnaged with no dialect..
For one moment in time, time took a break, it paused.
I belive we have done it.. we have reach a something.. can you feel it.. undesscribable.. B L I S S =]
explantions? anyone?
Why is it so hard to fight for what we want?
Why is it so hard to take risk?
Why is it so hard to follow are heart?
Are we afraid of the let down, if so why? How will we ever see what is to be with out risk
Has i love you lost all substance and now became a relaity televison phrase?
Explantions? Anyone?
Why is hard to find faith in people? yet alone faithfullness?
Where honest love? The kind that is ongoing doesnt fade
Where is trust?
Is there any real possiblity to find a soul mate or grow with a stranger?
Is it possible to be with somefrom for adolesacne to adult hood like in our elder's days?
Explanations? Anyone?
Is it a cure for our on growing hunger for materialistic ideas and point of view?
Is our ideaology scraped of substance? How would we get it back?
Where is oldfashion in a modern world with no moral standard?
Explanations? Anyone,
Am i out dated For the morals and belif i refuse to conform from for acceptance? ..
I may not no the answer to these questions but i refuse to become a slave to these, pacuilar enough my mind is no where backing my heart the voice in my head rants for me to stop this train. The delimma is felt. But i choose to be..
Last of a dying breed
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
teasure is found
shes afriad, dont be
the run beginns =[
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
as i ponder
Friday, July 17, 2009
spiraling down
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Saturday, April 4, 2009
my smoke and mirrors
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
no hesitation needed
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Russain ru-let
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
i delete the lies
i dont
Friday, February 27, 2009
thinkin about seduction
Thursday, February 26, 2009
vision blury
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Self-ish.. And yu dnt see it...yu want help.. Buh yu dnt heed it.. Wah am I to do? Comfort...? But yu dnt accept it, yet yu cry out for acceptance for love for friendship.. Yu cry out for allthe things yu lack buh wen they come yu runnn ..yu runnn to hide in yur sorrow and die in self pity the shameee the shameee ..awake I tellyu ... awake
Monday, February 16, 2009
picture me
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
my closet is clean
U-turns consumed us .. I pray death does not meet ether of us b4 peace is made. I had life intwine wit yu too l o n g. And secrets told that wasn't said off lips to any buh wrote down from me to yu and yu to I .. Opened a flood gate of honesty and gave the best I had to offer at the time and yu were a die to ride..laughs..cries..food..sex..together. We made all. Did all.
Now we erased ourstory from the pages of life buh not our soul 7 months have past and still yu are thought of in good light and best wishes..wish friends we could be. Buh the hatred yu posses won't let be. Strangers made life.. Life destroyed..rebuild withothers I caution cus of the time ilost with yu..I admit it had a effect onhow itreat the ones I borrow form time to time now.. Buh all I have is postive vibes. I let go thru this and now my closet is clean. I love yu and best wishes in life.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
such a bore
She says tell me sumthin.. Use me to I have no more to give?.. Or is it sum meaning to wah she is craving could love me? Realy . Love me.. She says I long for this and that wen itell her all the time. Say the word. Does she ? Nope. . I know nothing of her .
I kno not her thoughts her feelings her life. Nothing all ikno is her poetry. Nothing more I have nothing writing in my journal I give her my soul she give me empty words.. Funny. It doesn't bother me I juss care less and less lose hope and more hope.. She is dying to me.
Can she revive my cares. My concerns .. I do love her honestly I do buh I can love from a distance if I must one moment I feel as she.. Top im on then top im off same way with her hunger one min she needs next min she full. Does she want to kno I or my art.. I put forth effort to paint a painting . For her. Is she interested in th painting or the the artist I find it hard to see .. My vision is blurred. I love her with a real love. I love her with a real love.
Im embedded to her and my promises still stand. ..buh I wonder is she deeper than wah I see cus I see empty shell.
I see mask hiding wah matters not willing to deal wit afraid o f attachment. She gives juss few soul rising words I barely see life... I barely seee much .. I love yu sweetheart I do
To feed you
enjoy yur morning, noon, and night
Love for yu? Yes ..love yu? yes ...questions? Many .. Answers? Few .
Simple kiss on the forehead, Is the inequlity and yu are the y-ntercept and I be the slope..the quadrant is unknown my love. .. Ahh the angony of peacee. The simple rush of tranquility.. I love enuff said.. Enuff said... my love