Wednesday, July 29, 2009

teasure is found

As I walk the asfualt, my mental structure draws dipictions fimilar to ones simental. I catch breif encounters of pass ones as I charter along the depths of the mental prism.. lips brush braces,pelvises touch,subtle words are spoken... simple.. but distinctive..mental apathy.. feelings are felt throught the souls deepest seducted areas... treasure is found. In awww, wow.

shes afriad, dont be

Shes afriad .. dont be.. shes afraid... dont be ... why cnt she comprehend the meaning of my embrace..dont be afraid .. come to me... dont i keep yu smiling.. i want to be the one that makes yu happiest and has the potentail to hurt yu the most.. she has her heart hidden in a droor she shows it to me every now and then but when i reach..she reacts in a proctetive way... i say babe yur afriad... dont be.. the idea of letting me love you fully... dont be.. let me ... hold you, cover you ,promise i make i keep.. she loves me half-heartedly.. sickning to my stomach that she has the power to love with a half heart leaving room for some1 to grab a piece.. babe i stay dont deny im here .. to be.. i sat up in the dark wth as yu cried.. i held yur tears with my fingertips.. amazing we could be.. falling fiercely... baby .. baby baby.. im fadeing away... to a place... feel my warmth turn cold.. if im not wanted then i will grant thee lonley... even tho i would rather hold thee touch thee. Know thee loved me as i loved shee..i sit and think is there a hidden agenda she hides .. the world is so cruel let me be yur armor and you my i write to thee .. i hope where shee is she can feel .. feel me .. close your eyes... now ask your self... if there is any place in the world you could be right now ..where would it be?.. if close to me or sumwhere in foregin domain by the side of thee is not the theme. Then i guess im on the wrong pages of yur boook . And mayb im forcing my co-starship in a script thats ment only for one.

the run beginns =[

I must find shelter Naked no more will i lay in the streets, the pain intesnafices.. the heart ace... i leave my heart behind and runn my soul deleted.. silence begins.. hurt. Felt in a surreal way... why did i? why did i have to meet thee onnly yo be striped of the heart in excnage for rubish.. did i not give yu me.. give yu all that yu asked. Am i not worthy.. =[ maybe not i was used for my services now i am depleted.. hope yu enjoyed the nature i provided the way i went beyond and above.. goodbye MY love.. since i was not thee time spent ..time wasted ...never to return..why did thee awake me and my heart from force me back into hibernation with out another piece of my heaart.. more and more as i grow i become cold as the bliss is replaced with black coals... how much more... use me .. to i am i misunderstood... deciving you are becoming the resaon i will give up on finding th elove that i need ...guess i was worthy.. my love wasnt enuff. To unlock the key intowitch i could live and kkeep thee warm...and secure i belive all my words have feel to the ground..and so have i falling on there nething she could to patch me up? . the run beginns.=[...

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Women with all do respect but when one finds something worth keeping, keep it do not let pride be the cuse of yu loosing something tht could have ben great or let doubt deture you from giving your all , if you relly feel a certain way about yur partner let them know express your feelings be naked and i gareentee they will stay around .. dnt listen to others and the mishaps of your past if hte person is good to yu and shows no fulat be open its almost as if he held the dure to yur dease but since yu been with the deseas so long yur afraid of not haveing it bcuse yu wouldnt know how to function..with is insaitty..remebr what you wont do nother woman will so love you prtner how you would want to be love ... read up on what love really is not selfish.. it patent kind.. etc etc .. be the women men dream about, and desire show the true yu because a true man wouldnt want nething more and would cover yu in yur bareest moments.. and love you even when it hurts...

Monday, July 27, 2009

as i ponder

As i ponder life decsicons i come acroos you in my mind. And start to hear music "is anything im doing brand new"damn im confident but the insecurties start to settle will we last thru the college move, i meani give her something she cant find anywhere else but is it enuff for her to face the tragic pull of her emotions i begain to doubt the capacity i dont want her to become the reson that i give up finding the love that i need.. so i ask her did they make yu cry on the very first night? Did you give your self inways yu never did befor on second night baby tell why? If i am so diff show me keep me what one woman wont do another will so lets make yu everyone and me evryman because i will. I want a long term relationship with thee something everlasting .something ican telll our kids about one day someday.. she wnats to have my kidd but can she wiat till one is ready stand firm hold it down to the end.. i hope i wish i never need another frienf but one named y o u

Friday, July 17, 2009

spiraling down

I build her up she tears me down i thro my love she makes me from shades of gray are the hues in my vision the portait when we started was vibrant now everday it seems to fade.. i place your hand on my heart yu feel the beat only to move at pace contray to it.. the end is coming a downward spiral.. i see it occuring the pain i feel as we tumble... the wieght is heavy im lifting alone.. 50/50 ? More like 80 /20 the 20 percent yu provide confines hidden .. senstivty i may psses for yu movements like no other i crush the dream we built to put end to missery. I will spread my wings and fly to soft sands and clear beach front, and will gently let go of your hand until the taste of me in your mouth is so subtle ... you are becoming the reason that i.. i rember why life is easier a l o ne. Remeber my rarity the teasuure i posses and give cannot be felt ever again.. no comparison. So cherish the gewls i have to you for now i leavee in the distance.. i see a glare in your eye.. dnt shed a tear it would be vanity to do so beacuse it vein..give you time? Well my time is limited... love you? I cant help but, but at the same time teach yu? I have no time for slow learners? ..the wors shared from heart are harsh because of the depth of the cut tooken from your interactions with it.