Friday, September 11, 2009

i have you

babe please understand i have you,

no matter what the circumstances .. i have you

i will be hear for you.. and no that my vacation away from you is to build me up and make me a better human being...

i love you and want nothing else .. you have me.. my soul mate..

when times are hard ...think of that scripture.. and know.. no word spoken out my mouth to you is in vain

and know that your faithful-nes is not either.. stand string my love.. i love you and together we can and will accomplish anything

on the side f every strong man is a strong faithful woman.. your are on my side which means you are my strong faith-full supporting woman and i appreciate you in ways one couldn't explain.. my heart thanks you..

i had a dream... and in this dream you became disabled babe..but i stuck by you 100% never looked an others way.. because you fulfill my hearts requirements and i want to experience life with you ..the worlds definition is irrelevant.. tons of girls?don't need .. all i need is one and you are by far it to me..thank you for being my partner in crime.. my companion..i have high hopes =]

and i will be also you back bone support you in anything you do .. reach your goals i Will be here for you.. trust me ..i have you.. and you.. have me.. i love you sweet heart .. good night

my night/morning

My night /morning was great on south beach, drinks with great people.. a call from my heart.. hookah.. food.. and meaningful conversation i can keep tucked away for a rainy day to brighten my spirit and raise my moral.. what more could i ask for.. =]i am going to bed happy.. i cant wait for tomorrow!