Monday, July 27, 2009

as i ponder

As i ponder life decsicons i come acroos you in my mind. And start to hear music "is anything im doing brand new"damn im confident but the insecurties start to settle will we last thru the college move, i meani give her something she cant find anywhere else but is it enuff for her to face the tragic pull of her emotions i begain to doubt the capacity i dont want her to become the reson that i give up finding the love that i need.. so i ask her did they make yu cry on the very first night? Did you give your self inways yu never did befor on second night baby tell why? If i am so diff show me keep me what one woman wont do another will so lets make yu everyone and me evryman because i will. I want a long term relationship with thee something everlasting .something ican telll our kids about one day someday.. she wnats to have my kidd but can she wiat till one is ready stand firm hold it down to the end.. i hope i wish i never need another frienf but one named y o u