Saturday, August 1, 2009

explantions? anyone?

Explantions? Anyone?

Why is it so hard to fight for what we want?
Why is it so hard to take risk?
Why is it so hard to follow are heart?
Are we afraid of the let down, if so why? How will we ever see what is to be with out risk
Has i love you lost all substance and now became a relaity televison phrase?

Explantions? Anyone?

Why is hard to find faith in people? yet alone faithfullness?
Where honest love? The kind that is ongoing doesnt fade
Where is trust?
Is there any real possiblity to find a soul mate or grow with a stranger?
Is it possible to be with somefrom for adolesacne to adult hood like in our elder's days?

Explanations? Anyone?

Is it a cure for our on growing hunger for materialistic ideas and point of view?
Is our ideaology scraped of substance? How would we get it back?
Where is oldfashion in a modern world with no moral standard?

Explanations? Anyone,

Am i out dated For the morals and belif i refuse to conform from for acceptance? ..

I may not no the answer to these questions but i refuse to become a slave to these, pacuilar enough my mind is no where backing my heart the voice in my head rants for me to stop this train. The delimma is felt. But i choose to be..

Last of a dying breed

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